Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Season's Greetings

It's Christmas everywhere and Ave thought, why don't we have a semi-editorial photoshoot to celebrate the holidays? Any reason to play dress up lights up the bulb in the daydreams-filled brain of mine so I agreed immediately. And here are the results!

imitating art position that almost break my giraffey stiff neck. i need yoga or pilates asap.

wearing a velvet dress from Hong Kong, H&M velvet gloves and YSL Tribtoo pumps.
the chicken wing pose! whee!

notice the red book thingy? it is actually an old biscuit tin I got from Camberwell Market! so gonna wear it as a clutch. Isn't it so Olympia Le-Tan and Ulyana Sergeenko in one?

don't forget to smile!

failed attempt to be morbid and sentimental. HAHA.

my fave out of the bunch! gone are the fats. pris goes poof!

introducing my cutie pie of a sister, Christy! she was one of the assistant of the day and she came up with lots of brilliant suggestions! yay to the imaginations of a 10 years old!
And here are the sweats, laughter and ridiculously funny behind-the-scenes moments...

fooling around pretending to be the mafia's ladyboss. bahahahahha. look how cute the assistants of the day -Aida and Christy- are!

got lectured by the assistants on how to pose *blush* 

my horsey, man-repelling way of laughing which i enjoyed every second of! always, always laugh to your heart's content, because.. why not?
... which is actually what makes every photo session such a joy to do. Anyway, I'm sure by now lots of you are starting to munch down those glorious boxes of chocolates and gushed it away with some eggnog or whatever your poison is, curling and cuddling beside our loved ones.. so without further ado, happy, happy holidays, loves!

All pictures courtesy of Aveline Gunawan

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